BVR Business Valuation Resources

Register today for the 2015 year-end superconference event and
save $50 per day! See details below.

Keynote Addresses:

Daily Conference Registration Fee
(live or online broadcast):

NACVA, KVD, IBA, or EPI Members: $540

Non-Member: $600

Enter code "15BVR" to save $50 per day when registering for one-day or "15BVR2" when registering for two-days.

Live Registration

Broadcast Registration

Or call Member/Client Services at (800) 677-2009.

December 8: How to Become a High Visibility Expert
Lee Frederiksen
December 9: Practice Builder Academy™—Strategies to Create a Business Valuation and Forensic Litigation Services Practice You Love Coming to and Find Success In

Rod BurkertJoin Mel Abraham and Rod Burkert for a frank conversation about building a profitable practice that supports your life instead of consuming it.  In this session, Mel and Rod will share the same strategies they’ve used to build their practices and coached to early members of the Practice Builder Academy.  Along with the shared results of a confidential “State of Your Practice” survey, attendees will leave with a roadmap of specific areas to focus marketing and positioning efforts that will increase one’s efficiency, effectiveness, and practice potential.

Session Tracks:
Business Valuation Healthcare Valuation Financial Forensics Mergers and Acquisitions Transaction Advisory Services

Concurrent Training Programs:

NACVA recertification courses require separate registration fees.   Early registration discounts available. Contact Member/Client Services at (800) 677-2009 for more information.

National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts
Consultants' Training Institute

5217 South State Street ▪ Suite 400 ▪ Salt Lake City, Utah 84107
Tel: (801) 486-0600 ▪ Fax (801) 486-7500