BVR Welcome Business Valuation Resources!

Register today for the Business Valuation Conference and save $50 per day!
Call NACVA Member/Client Services at (800) 677-2009 and mention code "15BVR" when registering.

This conference will showcase known, established experts alongside emerging trailblazers, resulting in a dynamic experience that will offer you both premier education and a unique innovative perspective. In addition to exploring technical content, this conference will also delve into an underexplored, but pivotal zone—practice management. It is not enough anymore to have technical skills and acumen. For today's business valuation and financial forensic analysts to increase their competitive edge and render the most profitable results from their training and designations, they must know how to effectively promote themselves and their practice.
Keynote Addresses:

September 14–16, 2015
Omni William Penn Hotel
Pittsburgh, PA

Daily Conference Registration Fee
(live or online broadcast):

NACVA, ADAM, IBA, or EPI Members: $540

Non-Member: $600

To register, call NACVA Member/Client Services at (800) 677-2009.

Lee Frederiksen
Bob Grossman Mark Kucik

Conference Agenda:
BV Conference Schedule Live broadcast times are in Eastern Time (ET).

Concurrent Training Programs:

Early registration discounts available. Contact Member/Client Services at (800) 677-2009 for more information or to register.

National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts
Consultants' Training Institute

5217 South State Street ▪ Suite 400 ▪ Salt Lake City, Utah 84107
Tel: (801) 486-0600 ▪ Fax (801) 486-7500